Channel API

A node may use multiple channel implementations, therefore we have decoupled the node from the channel by defining this channel API. The reasons behind this are documented in the design note on multichannel architectures.

A channel consists of two or more endpoints and a shared medium in the middle - eg. blockchain.

An endpoint consists of two parts, either of which are optional, but the endpoint is only useful if at least one part is implemented.

  • The Posting API - A node uses this to send a message through a channel

  • The Receiving API - A node uses this to receive messages addressed to its jurisdiction from a channel

These two APIs handle the complexities of the channel medium and are authorised to send messages on the channel (on behalf of an entity). Therefore, access to these APIs must be controlled.

caption A channel with channel APIs and a channel medium

cloud "Channel Medium" as cm

package "Channel API - endpoint A" as a_endpoint {
    [Channel Posting API] as a_cpa
    (post message) as a_pm
    [Channel Receiving API] as a_cra
    (receive message) as a_rm

package "Channel API - endpoint B" as b_endpoint {
    [Channel Posting API] as b_cpa
    (post message) as b_pm
    [Channel Receiving API] as b_cra
    (receive message) as b_rm

package "Channel API - endpoint C\n(posting only)" as c_endpoint {
    [Channel Posting API] as c_cpa
    (post message) as c_pm

package "Channel API - endpoint D\n(receiving only)" as d_endpoint {
    [Channel Receiving API] as d_cra
    (receive message) as d_rm

a_cpa --> a_pm
a_pm --> cm
a_cra <-- a_rm
a_rm <-- cm

b_cpa --> b_pm
b_pm --> cm
b_cra <-- b_rm
b_rm <-- cm

c_cpa -right-> c_pm
c_pm -up-> cm

d_cra <-left- d_rm
d_rm <-up- cm


Channel Auth

A channel posting endpoint is posting messages AS the jurisdiction and therefore must ensure that only nodes that are permitted to send messages AS the jurisdiction are allowed to post.

It is the channel endpoint operator’s business to determine access requirements for the channel.

For example, if a node operator is operating private channel APIs for its own use, and not allowing any other nodes to use their channel APIs, then network level security may be sufficient. Similarly, a developer may use docker networking connections to restrict access without implementing any explicit access controls. However, if a channel operator wanted to support multiple nodes, then they would need to develop a satisfactory access control regime, sufficient for the requirements of that channel.

A channel may have many nodes using it, but tens not 1000s.


The current reference implementation at TODO-testnet assumes that the node operator is also the channel endpoint operator, therefore manual devops style auth configuration is fine (eg. subnet only networking/whitelisting IP addresses/API Gateway SIG4 certs etc…).

Channel Posting API

POST /messages
GET /messages/<id>
GET /messages/<id>?fields=status

caption Posting a message to a channel
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box "Local Node" #LightGreen
    participant Message_API
    participant Channel_Posting_API
end box
participant Channel_Medium
box "Foreign Node" #LightBlue
    participant Foreign_Node
end box

Message_API->Channel_Posting_API: post message
activate Channel_Posting_API
return id

Channel_Posting_API->Channel_Medium: write message
alt subscribed to updates
    Message_API->Channel_Posting_API: subscribe to updates
    Channel_Posting_API->Message_API: <callback> update message status
else polls for updates
    Message_API->Channel_Posting_API: <poll> get message status
Channel_Medium->Foreign_Node: receives message from channel

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caption State of a message posted to a Channel Posting API

[*] --> Received
Received -right-> Confirmed
Received --> Undeliverable
Confirmed --> Revoked
Revoked --> [*]
Undeliverable --> [*]
Confirmed -[dashed]-> [*]


  • Received: The message either hasn’t been written to the channel (perhaps the first attempt errored and will be attempted again) or has been written but awaiting confirmation.

  • Confirmed: The message has passed through the channel. Effectively the end state for most successful messages.

    • On a blockchain, this means that there are sufficient blocks on top.

    • On a DB this means that the message was commit to the table.

  • Undeliverable: The channel was unable to write the message and has stopped trying

  • Revoked: Confirmation was erroneously issued on a fork. We expect this to be extremely rare; it is a theoretical possibility.

A typical BlockchainChannel:

  • received message and writes to a DB, returning an ID

  • writes to the blockchain

  • waits (forever; stays in Received) and observes until:

    • multiple blocks are written on top of the chain (Confirmed)

    • OR observes that it was on a fork and the chain has moved from a previous block and the message was never written (Undeliverable)

It is the channel API’s business to decide if it fails as Undeliverable on the first attempt, or whether it tries a few times (config value) before being marked as Undeliverable.

Channel Receiving API

POST /subscriptions - follows WEBSUB standard

caption Receiving a message from a channel
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box "Local Node" #LightGreen
    participant Message_Receiption_API
    participant Channel_Receiving_API
end box
participant Channel_Medium
box "Foreign Node" #LightBlue
    participant Foreign_Node
end box

Message_Receiption_API->Channel_Receiving_API: subscribe to new messages
Foreign_Node -> Channel_Medium: posts message to channel
Channel_Receiving_API->Channel_Medium: get new message
Channel_Receiving_API->Message_Receiption_API: <callback> post new message

GET /messages?updated_since=2020-01-12Z123456&receiver=AU - includes new messages

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caption State of a message being observed on a Channel Medium

[*] --> Observed
Observed -right-> Confirmed
Observed --> False_Alarm
Confirmed --> False_Alarm
False_Alarm --> [*]
Confirmed -[dashed]-> [*]


  • Observed: The message has been seen on the channel medium, but we haven’t confirmed that it is really there.

  • Confirmed: Means that the message is definitely on the channel medium. This is the point at which we publish the message.

    • On a blockchain, this means that there are sufficient blocks on top.

    • On a DB this means that the message was commit to the table. ie. the first time we observe the message it will also become confirmed.

  • False_Alarm: The message was seen on the channel medium but it has now disappeared. If the message had previously been Confirmed, the channel must publish an update about the message. If the message had only been Observed but not Confirmed we don’t need to take any further action beyond changing the status of the message.

    • On a blockchain, this means we observed the message on a fork. We expect this to be extremely rare; it is a theoretical possibility.

    • On a DB, this shouldn’t happen unless a message is deleted from the table.

A typical BlockchainChannel:

  • observes the blockchain and records new messages into a DB to keen track of what messages it has seen and what it hasn’t

  • tells the subscription engine that a new message has arrived once a certain number of blocks are on top

Deploying a channel

Process of setting up a channel:

  • spin up channel medium (optional)

  • spin up channel endpoint and configure with medium details, auth, …

  • spin up second channel endpoint, same way

  • spin up new channel medium

  • spin up new endpoint pointing at new medium

Example integration test node setup

caption Integration test network

[Node A] as node_a
[Node B] as node_b
[Node C] as node_c

[Channel A Endpoint 1] as channel_a_endpoint_1
[Channel A Endpoint 2] as channel_a_endpoint_2
[Channel A Endpoint 3] as channel_a_endpoint_3
Database "Channel A DB" as channel_a_db

[Channel B Endpoint 1] as channel_b_endpoint_1
[Channel B Endpoint 2] as channel_b_endpoint_2
Database "Channel B DB" as channel_b_db

node_a -down-> channel_a_endpoint_1
node_a -down-> channel_b_endpoint_1

node_b -down-> channel_a_endpoint_2
node_b -down-> channel_b_endpoint_2

node_c -up-> channel_a_endpoint_3

channel_a_endpoint_1 -down-> channel_a_db
channel_a_endpoint_2 --> channel_a_db
channel_a_endpoint_3 -up-> channel_a_db

channel_b_endpoint_1 -down-> channel_b_db
channel_b_endpoint_2 -down-> channel_b_db