Source code for intergov.use_cases.process_message

import os

from intergov.domain.wire_protocols.generic_discrete import Message
from intergov.loggers import logging  # NOQA
from intergov.monitoring import statsd_timer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    os.environ.get('SEND_LOOPBACK_MESSAGES', None)
).lower() == "true"

[docs]class ProcessMessageUseCase: """ Used by the message processing background worker. Gets one message from the channel inbox and does number of things with it. * dispatch document retrieval job (if the message is from a foreign source) * dispatch message sending task to channel-outbox (if the message is from a domestic source) * ensure the message is stored in the message lake * ensure the access control lists are updated for this message * dispatch any WebSub events required for this message Note: the inbound message may have come from one of two sources: it may be a message from within this jurisdiction, or it may be a message sent from another jurisdiction. This use-case works with either message, however it needs to know which jurisdiction it is working as to get the logic right (that is why it takes a jurisdiction parameter when it is instantiated). """ def __init__( self, jurisdiction, bc_inbox_repo, message_lake_repo, object_acl_repo, object_retreval_repo, notifications_repo, blockchain_outbox_repo): self.jurisdiction = jurisdiction self.bc_inbox_repo = bc_inbox_repo self.message_lake_repo = message_lake_repo self.object_acl_repo = object_acl_repo self.object_retreval_repo = object_retreval_repo self.notifications_repo = notifications_repo self.blockchain_outbox_repo = blockchain_outbox_repo def execute(self): # Get the message from the bc_inbox_repo (which is a events queue) fetched_bc_inbox = self.bc_inbox_repo.get() if not fetched_bc_inbox: return None (queue_message_id, message) = fetched_bc_inbox return self.process(queue_message_id, message) @statsd_timer("usecase.ProcessMessageUseCase.process") def process(self, queue_message_id, message): # let it be procssed"Received message to process: %s", message) # TODO: if something is fine and something is failed then first # steps will be done again # fine for object storage but not for queues try: ml_OK = except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) ml_OK = False try: acl_OK = except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) acl_OK = False try: # we delay it a little to make sure the message has got to the repo # and remove status because notifications don't need it message_without_status = Message.from_dict( message.to_dict(exclude=['status']) ) # fat ping for ones who understand pub_OK = message_without_status, delay_seconds=3 ) # light ping for ones who want everything self.notifications_repo.post_job( { "predicate": f'message.{message.sender_ref}.received', "sender_ref": f"{message.sender}:{message.sender_ref}" } ) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) pub_OK = False # blockchain part - pass the message to the blockchain worker # so it can be shared to the foreign parties outbox_OK = True ret_OK = True if str(message.sender) == str(self.jurisdiction) and message.status == 'pending': # our jurisdiction -> remote"Sending message to the channels: %s", message.subject) try: outbox_OK = except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) outbox_OK = False elif str(message.sender) != str(self.jurisdiction) and message.status == 'received': # Incoming message from remote juridsiction # might need to download remote documents using the # Documents Spider "Received message from remote jurisdiction %s with subject %s", message.sender, message.subject ) "Scheduling download remote documents for: %s", message.subject ) try: ret_OK = self.object_retreval_repo.post_job({ "action": "download-object", "sender": message.sender, "object": message.obj }) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) ret_OK = False else: # strange situation logger.warning( "Message sender is %s and we are %s and the status is %s - strange", message.sender, self.jurisdiction, message.status ) return False if ml_OK and acl_OK and ret_OK and pub_OK and outbox_OK: self.bc_inbox_repo.delete(queue_message_id) return True else: logger.error("Task processing failed, will try again later") # what TODO with the failed ones? # the problem is the fact that we have submitted message # to some repos and some other failed, # which means we must retry just failed submissions # and it may introduce a tricky state when some external message # processors will get info from the one source and won't get it # from the another. They should wait then. return False